9 Reasons Why My Husband Is GREAT!

9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

A Shout Out To Great Husbands Everywhere Who Help Us Women Do What We Do Best

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Sitting at the breakfast table this morning, I asked my husband this question: “What should I write about this morning?” He said, how about “How Great My Husband Is”. I laughed loudly, as you can imagine. But in reality, Mike is GREAT. He is beyond great - he is supportive, an amazing father to our kids, and a real team player. And I realized that I should give him a few shout-outs here on First Thyme Mom. After all, he is occupying the children as we speak.

I am constantly juggling projects. Not only do I bear most of the mental load of the family, I also work full-time outside of the home, and run a growing media empire. My husband would remind me that empire is not the correct word. He keeps me grounded, and I am thankful for that!

The days when I travel into the office can be described as chaotic, at best. I am tasked with getting everyone up and going in the morning. As a result, I am usually one of the last people in the office at the end of the day. My husband is able to regularly get home on time to pick up our kids and entertain them for a few hours before I am home for the evening.

We have implemented several routines to simplify our evenings during the work week. One of them is how we grocery shop and prepare our dinners. Shopping in this way allows Mike to be able to pop dinner in the oven as soon as he gets home so that we can eat as a family once I walk in the door. We then have a few hours with the kids, and then we move into the bedtime routine.

Mike puts our son to bed (a routine that can last from 20 minutes in length to over an hour), and I put our daughter to bed. It is so important to have a spouse who you can divide and conquer with at home. It’s an even split when it comes to dividing up the household chores. It has to be - there is no other way!

Not only does Mike do what he can to keep the family unit running smoothly, he supports my ideas. And man oh man do I have a ton of ideas. For example, I am constantly hitting him with new rules of the house. Just last week we made the following changes:

New House Rules, Week Of 1/21

1) Reduce our paper towel usage. Only use these Eco-Friendly & Washable Cloths to clean up spills and wipe the kids faces and hands.

2) No more plastic wrap usage. Only use these Organic Reusable Food Wraps.

3) All quality food waste goes to our dog, and not the garbage.

I knew he was listening when he left this very last paper towel from the roll on the kitchen counter, and reminded me about the “zero waste” policy. He’s a keeper!

Salvaging the last paper towel!

9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

One thing (among many) that he surely finds obnoxious about me is that I am ALWAYS working. If it’s not at the 9-5, it’s working to form ideas and put together fresh content for First Thyme Mom. Even when it appears that I am taking time for myself (a fitness class, for example), most of the time that is actually “work”. I do a lot of sponsored content for my brand that takes time away from the family. I try to take on sponsored content that includes my family, but it is still technically “work”.

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9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

Mike allows for me to run wild with ideas in order to keep the innovation wheel spinning. If I need more sleep because I was up late researching, he hangs with the kids in the morning (on weekends) until I wake up. If I need to run errands to pick up props for a flat-lay or Instagram photo, this hardly phases him. And when I need my favorite photographer to step in to take 45 shots until we get “The One”, I can always count on Mike, my Insta-Husband.

Mike is also always building me things to support my ideas. I am in constant need of various props to do what I do. If I need a donut wall, he has me covered. Soap molds to make soap? Consider it done. Displays to mimic a wooden butcher block counter with a tile backsplash? He’s all over it. I am thankful that he can build anything, and is willing to build anything that I put a request in for.

Donut Wall, Hand-Crafted By The Hubs!

9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

Mike built this donut wall, which contributed to the following:

1) A spectacular dessert table at my sister’s wedding this past summer.

2) Future rentals of this donut wall to other couples who are creating a dessert table.

3) The ability for me to land sponsored work for local bakeries using this wall. See My post here!

4) Thousands of visits to my blog because of my photography created because of this wall - these images are shared all over Pinterest. The result has been ad revenue because of all of these hits.

5) Use of this wall at a recent innovation session at my 9-5. Having this wall on-hand allowed for an idea that I had at work to come to life - and the result was phenomenal.

Mike is not limited to donut wall construction, he even built me an entire home to raise our family in. Now THAT is supportive.

Building Our Home!

9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

As you can see, I can go on and on as to why my husband is great. Here are my top nine reasons as to why he is the best husband ever:

1) He can go with the flow.

We never have a set agenda in our house, and plans are always changing. He easily adapts and rarely complains as plans evolve and change.

2) He supports most of my ideas.

I bring numerous ideas and suggestions to Mike every day. Most of the time, he is on-board. When an idea is bad, he has no problem letting me know. I need that feedback in order to help make things happen for our family and our home.

3) He supports my work.

If I am going to be home late from the office, he rarely complains. He knows what my work goals are, and he works hard on his end to help me attain those goals. That includes splitting up work around the house and being a 50% partner in raising our kids. He supports my mission to continue to innovate at work and in the home.

9 Reasons Why My Husband Is Great. Finding a great partner in life in order to help your dreams come true. Splitting up chores around to home in order to get more done and accomplish professional goals.

4) He works hard at his 6-4.

He goes to work every day as well to support our family. We are in this one together to help make the best life for ourselves and kids.

5) He has learned the art of photography.

In order to make this blog and Instagram work, he needed to fine-tune his eye for the camera lens. He has done a fantastic job, and knows how to get the right photo for a given post. He can learn anything!

6) He’s committed to spending quality time with our kids.

The kids love him so much. The first question our son asks every morning is, “Where’s Daddy?” He has a very active role in their lives and I love him greatly for that!

7) He can make and build anything.

If I can think it, he can build it. It’s a fantastic skill!

8) He is Mr. Fix-it, and steps in to do all heavy lifting.

He fixes everything around the house, including toys. He also helps me to get the kids in the car whenever I am headed out with them, and will lift and carry everything that I ask him to. Obviously I can do all this, but it is nice to have the help.

9) He is committed.

He is committed to our family and our mission to have fun! I could not have asked for a better husband!

As you can see, Mike is more than great. I am sure many of you feel the same way about your husbands as well. There ain’t no shame in asking for a little credit and recognition when it is due!


Stephanie Rae

Working mom, mother of two, on a quest to live life to the fullest. Focused on decluttering and clean eating. Follow along on my journey while creating one of your own!


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