Summer is Ending - Back To School

Embracing the Bittersweet Return: My Feelings Towards My Kids Going Back to School

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Life's twists and turns can be quite unexpected! One moment, I was soaring in my adult career, enjoying a big salary and a fancy title. The next, I found myself at a crossroads, uncertain of where life would take me. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I embraced a new purpose: becoming an "at home parent." And let me tell you, this chapter of my life has been nothing short of amazing!

Embracing the At-Home Parent Role:

As I ventured into the world of being an at-home parent, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - excitement, a touch of fear, and a bit of insecurity. Would I be able to provide everything my kids needed? Could I juggle their needs as effectively as a full-time job? But as the days turned into weeks and months, I discovered a joy and fulfillment in nurturing my children that no job title or paycheck could ever replace.

I began to cook again. All meals from scratch, from the earth. Below is the cookbook I use. I adore the foods and recipes found in Eat Clean, Play Dirty. They are AH-MAZE-ING.

Creating Unforgettable Memories:

Being at home allowed me to witness every little milestone up close and personal. Yes, at their ages, they still have milestones! I finally had the chance to dedicate quality time to their interests, hobbies, and education, and I became their biggest cheerleader in every endeavor. They also help me cook - below is our breakfast the other day. It’s muesli with blue lavender mylk.

Eat Clean, Play Dirty Muesli with Blue Lavender mylk. Vegan Breakfast ideas. Vegan milk and cereal. Whole grain breakfasts that feel good to eat.

Learning and Growing Together:

As my children flourished, I found myself growing alongside them. When they explored new subjects at school, I took it as an opportunity to expand my own knowledge. I delved into topics I hadn't explored since my school days, helped with their homework, and discovered a newfound passion for learning. We've become a family of learners, growing and discovering together every day.

The Back-to-School Buzz:

With the new school year around the corner, the excitement is palpable. I can't help but marvel at how fast my little ones are growing up! Although a tinge of nostalgia sets in, I know that this journey is all about new beginnings. Their empty seats at the dining table during school hours will be a reminder of the vibrant energy that fills our home when they are around.

Celebrating New Beginnings:

As they dive into new friendships, teachers, and subjects, I'll be there, eager to hear about their adventures when they return home each day. Our bond grows stronger as I support them in this journey of self-discovery.


As my kids get ready to head back to school, I can't help but be grateful for this unexpected chapter of my life. Embracing the role of an at-home parent has been a rewarding experience beyond compare. I wouldn't trade this time for anything else in the world.

As they embark on a new academic year, I'm excited to see what the future holds for all of us. Our family will keep thriving, cherishing every moment of this incredible journey together. Here's to new beginnings and making the most of every beautiful moment in this adventure called life!

How a parent can feel when their kids go back to school. Moms feelings when summer ends. Sad or excited about kids going back to school.
Stephanie Rae

Working mom, mother of two, on a quest to live life to the fullest. Focused on decluttering and clean eating. Follow along on my journey while creating one of your own!

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